Seguimiento de la Jornada de difusión online de resultados del proyecto ACUISTAR - Viernes, 8 de abril de 2022 a las 12:00h

Artículos científicos

Estudios sobre estrellas de mar realizados en Galicia

  • Taboada, C.; Millán, R.; Miguez, I. and Fernández-Pulpeiro, E. 2008. Composición en macronutrientes, aminoácidos y minerales de algunos invertebrados marinos no utilizados habitualmente como alimento. Revista Real Academia Gallega de Ciencias XXVII, 95-106.
  • Ben-Gigirey, B.; Rossignoli, AE.; Riobó, P. and Rodríguez, F. 2020. First report of paralytic shellfish toxins in marine invertebrates and fish in Spain. Toxins 12. 1-12.

Estudios sobre toxinas marinas en estrellas de mar

  • Ito, K.; Asakawa, M.; Sida, Y. and Miyazawa, K. 2003. Ocurrence of paralytic shellfish poison (PSP) in the starfish Asterina pectinifera collected from the Kure Bay, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. Toxicon 41, 291-295.
  • Silva, M.; Rodriguez, I.; Barreiro, A.; Kaufmann, M.; Neto, AI.; Hassouani, M.; Sabour, B.; Alfonso, A.; Botana, LM. and Vasconcelos, V. 2015. First report of ciguatoxins in two starfish species: Ophidiaster ophidianus and Marthasterias glacialis. Toxins 7, 3740-3757.
  • Dean, KJ.; Hatfield, RG.; Lee, V.; Alexander, RP.; Lewis, AM.; Maskrey, BH.; Alves, MT.; Hatton, B.; Coates, LN.; Capuzzo, E.; Ellis, JR. and Turner, AD. 2020. Multiple new paralytic shellfish toxin vectors in offshore North Sea benthos, a deep secret exposed. Marine Drugs 18, 1-34. 
  • Ben-Gigirey, B.; Rossignoli, AE.; Riobó, P. and Rodríguez, F. 2020. First report of paralytic shellfish toxins in marine invertebrates and fish in Spain. Toxins 12. 1-12.

Estudios científicos para el aprovechamiento de la estrella de mar
Como pienso para animales

Estrella de mar (especie Acanthaster planci) como alimento para ratones:

  • Luo, P.; Hu, C.; Xia, J.; Ren, C. and Jiang, X. 2011. Chemical constituent analysis of the crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci and potential utilization value of the starfish as feed ingredient for animals. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(62), 13610-13616.

Estrella de mar (especie Asterias rubens) como alimento para cerdos:

  • Nørgaard, JV.; Petersen, JK.; Tørring, DB.; Jørgensen, H. and Lærke, HN. 2015. Chemical composition and standardized ileal digestibility of protein and amino acids from blue mussel, starfish and fish silage in pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology 205, 90-97.
  • Sørensen, P. and Nørgaard. 2016. Starfish (Asterias rubens) as feed ingredient for piglets. Animal Feed Science and Technology 211, 181-188.
  • Van der Heide, ME.; Carlson, D. and Nørgaard, JV. 2018. Growth performance of weaned pigs fed different levels of starfish meal. Animal Feed Science and Technology 238, 84-90.
  • Van der Heide, ME.; Møller, LF.; Petersen, JK. and Nørgaard, JV. 2018. Annual variation in the composition of major nutrients of the common starfish (Asterias rubens). Animal Feed Science and Technology 238, 91-97.

Estrella de mar (especie Asterias rubens) como alimento para gallinas:

  • Afrose, S.; Hammershøj, M.; Nørgaard, JV.; Engberg, M. and Steenfeldt, S. 2016. Influence of blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and starfish (Asterias rubens) meals on production performance, egg quality and apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients of laying hens. Animal Feed Science and Technology 213, 108-117.

Como abono para agricultura

Estrella de mar (Asterias amurensis) como abono para lechuga y tomate:

  • Line, MA. 1994. Recycling of seastar (Asterias amurensis) waste by composting. Bioresource Technology 49, 227-229.

Estrella de mar (Asterias amurensis) como abono para nabo (Brassica campestris):

  • Ishii, T.; Okino, T.; Mino, Y.; Tamiya, H. and Matsuda, F. 2007. Plant-growth regulators from common starfish (Asterias amurensis Lütken) waste. Plant Growth Regulation 52, 131-139.

Estrella de mar como abono para tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum):

  • Tomato: Choi, H. 2020. Effects of organic liquid fertilizers on biological activities and fruit productivity in open-field cherry tomato. Soil and Plant Nutrition 79(3), 447-457

Como tratamiento para la remediación de suelos contaminados por metales

  • Choi, J.; Kwon, D.; Yang, J.; Lee, JY. and Park, Y. 2009. Comparison of Fe and Mn removal using treatment agents for acid mine drainage. Environmental Technology 30(5), 445-454.
  • Choi, J.; Yang, J.; Park, YT.; Kim, J.; Kim, K.; Shim, Y.; Kwon, H.; Khan, MA.; Park, J.; Um, J. and Jeon, B. 2012. Comparison of As, Ni, Zn, Cd and Pb removals using treatment agents. Environmental Technology 33(4), 445-454.
  • Lim, JE.; Sung, JK.; Sarkar, B.; Wang, H.; Hashimoto, Y.; Tsang, DCW. and Ok, YS. 2017. Impact of natural and calcined starfish (Asterina pectinifera) on the stabilization of Pb, Zn and As in contaminated agricultural soil. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 39(2).

Como fuente para la producción de biogás

  • Liu, X.; Boy, V.; Lendormi, T.; Lemée, Y. and Lanoisellé, J. 2020. Valorization of common starfish (Asterias rubens) by air impingement drying and mesophilic anaerobic digestion: a preliminary study. Waste and Biomass Valorization 15(7).